Uncluttered: Overwhelmed Moms Taking Back Their Homes

Were you a badass businesswoman who's become an overwhelmed stay-at-home mom & now you feel defeated by the disorder of your home? You were once able to manage so much but getting a handle on clutter & daily chores is taking you down. I can help you restore order & bring peace to your home.
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About This Product:

Are you tired of living with clutter that brings anxiety, confusion, and overwhelm? Have you had enough of feeling like you’re not enough? Are you ready to check off some major items from that constant to-do list that makes you feel like you’re never finished working? Would you like to spend more quality time with the people who matter the most to you?
In this course, I will help you to make decisions about your things and teach you how to naturally flow in your routines, so we can set up systems that make life simple and enjoyable. It’s not necessarily about getting rid of things (although that may be a part of the process). It’s more about setting up your home so that it flows. Things are where you need them when you need them, and you can find them easily and without thought. Wouldn’t that be a nice way to go through the day?
I’ll help you fall in love with your home again. It will become your sanctuary, your place to refresh and inspire creativity. 
I can help release the burden of feeling like there’s something you should be doing other than just living and enjoying your space and your favorite people. 
Getting truly organized, based on your personal lifestyle can literally open up your mind, empower you to become more, and love yourself in a new way. Why? Because everything has energy, and it will either lift you or weigh you down. Women, especially, keep a scrolling list of things to do and projects to start or finish. Home organization can be on that list for years without ever being addressed for so many reasons. We’re busy doing life, raising kids, and maintaining what we have. Adding a project that we know will spill into more projects just overwhelms us and leave us frustrated, so we put it on the back burner, back into the scrolling list. This leaves us feeling like we’re never finished. We can never really go off duty. It’s exhausting and we just feel defeated.
The gifts I bring are 1. non-judgment, 2. I know where to start, 3. I know how to execute and how to finish, 4. I have no desire to get rid of your things, and 5. a passion for transformation & freedom to be who you are made to be. I use creative ideas to repurpose or to find ways for things to be useful or beautiful. If it doesn’t fit, then it has to go. But, I have no emotional skin in that game, so no one feels pressured or judged. 
When all is said and done, you will feel lighter, freer, and more peaceful in your home than you have in years. Maybe, for the first time.


Program Details

Welcome & Housekeeping
Available Now
Module 1, Session 1 Vlog Instructions
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Module 1 Session 2 The Science
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Module 1, Session 3 Expectations, Promises, & Sabotage
Available Now

Module 2, Session 1 What's Your Chaos? What's Your Flow?
Available Now
Module 2, Bonus Video Utter Chaos Start-Up
Available Now

Module 3, Session 1 Things To Remember
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Module 3, Session 2 What Are Your Strengths?
Available Now

Module 4, Session 1 Common Obstacles To Decluttering
Available Now

Module 5, Session 1 Nitty Gritty - Just Sort
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Module 5, Session 2 Getting Started - Checklist
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Module 5, Session 3 The Kitchen
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Module 5, Session 4 The Pantry & Spices
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Module 5, Session 5 The Bathroom
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Module 5, Session 6 The Closet
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Module 5, Session 7 Chest of Drawers
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Module 5, Session 8 Books & the Junk Drawer
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Module 5, Session 9 Kid's Room/Partner's Things
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Module 5, Session 10 Office/Spare Bedroom
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Module 5, Session 11 Storage Tips & Tricks
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Module 6, Session 1 Daily Maintenance
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Module 6, Session 2 Weekly/Monthly Maintenance
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Module 7, Session 1 Fine Tuning
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Module 7, Session 2 Tell Your New Story
Available Now
Module 7, Session 3 Your Final Thoughts
Available Now

How to Make it Last
Available Now

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Lori Bishop Crowe

I've been organizing privately for over 30 years, but I decided to share my gifts with the public in 2021 after the year that changed everything for so many. I grew up with a hoarder, so I am well aware of the effects of clutter & chaos in the home.
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Disclosure: This program works to the extent that you are willing & able to work the steps outlined. Align & Rise With Lori cannot guarantee an outcome. Success is largely dependent upon what energy you put into the process. But, I believe in you!